Bleeding gums?

Question: Name areas of the body where hard surfaces project from the skin?

Answer: Your fingernails, toenails, and teeth.

Now imagine if every time you washed your hands, your fingernails bled? Concerning? Absolutely. Most would seek consultation from a medical professional immediately.

However, many individuals report bleeding gums during brushing, flossing, or both.

This is not normal. Healthy gum tissues do not bleed.

Causes for bleeding gum tissues often include periodontal disease, which affects approximately 47% of the population over the age of 35. Another cause is foreign body retention, think popcorn kernel, remnant of food, seeds, and just about any other food particle that does not breakdown easily. Other diseases can present themselves in the form of bleeding gums.

If you notice bleeding while completing your daily oral hygiene routine, do not just assume that the situation will get better, often that bleeding is your body telling you something is wrong.

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